Give Your Walk a Kick in the…..

Holly Jaleski
2 min readSep 7, 2020

Imagine turning your walks into an opportunity to tap into the universal field of love. It doesn’t require your phone, or an app, or music player.

I used to think of evening walks as a have to. Another thing I had to mark off my to do list. I know it’s healthy to go for a leisurely walk after dinner, but I never really enjoyed them. I got bored on flat concrete surfaces. Though it did feel important for those walks to be a time of disconnecting from the electronic grid that I’d been a part of all day.

And then I learned of an ancient Celtic Tradition that is more powerful than words can describe. It’s simplicity is its power. I now look forward to my walks because of the feelings I get from this ritual.

In this tradition, in the morning you walk 7 times clockwise in a circle. You can walk in a circle in the middle of an empty sidewalk, around a tree, around a rock, I’ve even walked around a light post. During this time, you can say a prayer, say thanks for the day, set your intentions, but mostly just focus on going in a circle.

The key is that when you’re walking in those 7 circles, that’s all your doing. You’re not chatting with a friend, your not creating your never-ending to-do list or replaying a conversation you had with someone two hours ago. You’re just stepping, one foot in front of the other, at whatever pace feels comfortable for you. Either just focus on your feet touching the ground, or the things I suggested earlier. Prayer, appreciation, or intentions (not to do’s, but how you want to FEEL).

Then in the evening, you walk in a circle seven times counter clockwise. Think of what you’re grateful for, think of your wins that day, and give thanks. Think about the friend you talked with, say prayers for the things that concern you and leave them in that circle.

Walk slowly and gently. You’ll find at the end of the seventh circle you feel more connected to the Universe, you feel more connected to all the love that can be hard to feel in our daily lives.

It’s ok if you don’t do the circle morning and night. I often only get the evening circles done. It doesn’t take away from their powerfulness.

Doing this little ritual in the middle of my walk, gets me excited about my walks now. I know how good I’m going to feel after I do my seven little circles.

It’s these little things that make the biggest difference, right?



Holly Jaleski

Author of Then The Trees Said Hello, Inventor of Grubcan Bear Resistant Can, avid outdoors person